6 Tips For Being A Better Mom

tips for being a better mom

You must have clicked on this post because youโ€™re looking for tips on being a better mom. Well first off, letโ€™s discuss what it means to be a good mom.

There are a lot of qualities that make you a good mom. Like being caring, loving, responsible, trustworthy, having patience and more.

You love your children to pieces, you devote your life to them and try so hard to be the perfect mom. A mom that is inspiring to other moms. Striving to win the unofficial โ€œmom of the yearโ€ award.

But then reality kicks in and you realize youโ€™re only human.

You get overstimulated, stressed, upset and so youโ€™re not the perfect mom you envisioned yourself to be. And thatโ€™s ok!

So should we stop trying to be the perfect mom? YES!

Itโ€™s impossible to be the perfect mom.

But you can learn how to be a better mom.

6 Tips For Being A Better Mom

How To Be A Better Mom

Learn to be more present

Do you find yourself spending time with your children and then catch yourself thinking about something else?

Maybe youโ€™re at the park with your children but what youโ€™re really thinking about is what you need to get from the grocery store.

Or maybe your daughter is talking to you and all of you have to say is โ€œoh wowโ€ on autopilot without actually listening to her.

Learning to be a more present mom will make you a better parent (and person!) Learn to focus on the present moment and not the past or something in the future youโ€™re anticipating doing. This will make you a happier person overall as well.

Whenever you find yourself getting lost in your own head and not being present, take a step back and refocus on what youโ€™re doing in the moment and ground yourself.

Stop multi-tasking

This second point kind of expands on the first point.

Of course itโ€™s difficult being present in your childrenโ€™s lives when youโ€™re trying to do ten things at once.

And more importantly, you can exhaust yourself trying to be the perfect mom, cook, cleaner, teacher and so on.

Whatever it is youโ€™re wanting to accomplish in a day, try to do only one task at a time.

I like to follow a daily plan and only give myself one cleaning task per day to complete.

You donโ€™t need to accomplish a long list of tasks every day. Actually, by doing less you sometimes do more.

Make sure youโ€™re exercising

You need to take care of yourself and be your best self to be able to take care of everyone else.

Block off thirty minutes each day to take a class, go on a walk or do yoga at home.

Moving your body and getting some exercise will make you a happier, less stressed mom.

Just thirty minutes of exercise a day can elevate your mood for twelve hours.

If you have time to sit and read this blog post (thank you by the way), then you have time to do a quick workout.

Being a mom comes first

We want to be a cool mom and be their friend, however we need to realize we are their parent first and foremost.

Iโ€™m sure you remember times in your childhood where your parents werenโ€™t being your friends, but you understand now that they were only thinking of your best interests.

So now that youโ€™re a mom, you have to do what is right for your children and not have hurt feelings when your children are mad at you.

Children need boundaries so they can learn how to be a better person themselves. You trying to be their friend wonโ€™t benefit them long-term.

Practice self-care

When is the last time you had a nice soak in the tub? Or went and got a coffee and had your hair done?

Many women donโ€™t make time for themselves once they become moms.

Itโ€™s normal to put our childrenโ€™s needs ahead of our own, but if weโ€™re not careful this could cause mom burn out.

Self-care doesnโ€™t have to be extravagant. It can be as simple as starting a new hobby for yourself. Find a few hours every week to do something for yourself, like reading a good book, crafting, do a face mask, or take a nap!

Simple things like making sure we are eating well and getting plenty of sleep can be part of self-care as well.

Lead by example

Children are sponges and pick up on things from their parents. Whatever you do in your household, your children will likely grow up and do them as well.

If you want your kid to grow up reading more, then you should be reading more as well.

You can tell your kid ten times a day to read a book, but if they see you spending your free time on screens, then your child will likely want to do the same.

I have already mentioned exercising, but that is another thing you may want to do in front of your children. Show them the importance of exercise.

Take them on walks. It should become part of their lives so they can grow up healthier and happier.

How To Be A Better Mom

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