Habits Of A Happy Stay-At-Home Mom

habits of a happy stay-at-home mom

Being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job. It takes planning, managing and takes just about all your energy.

Whether itโ€™s keeping your toddler from coloring on the walls or juggling making lunch and feeding the baby a bottleโ€ฆ it can be a handful!

Here is a list of 8 habits of a happy stay-at-home mom.

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8 habits of a happy stay-at-home mom

1. Have a schedule

It helps to have a schedule for you and your kids.ย 

Iโ€™m not saying the schedule you create you have to stick to forever, butย having a schedule to refer back to is super helpful.

Not to mention, children thrive when they have routines. If they have a good nap schedule, then theyโ€™re more likely to nap at the same time every day.

Just try to go with the flow if your schedule needs to change!

2. Think positive

It is so easy for me to get lost in my own head when Iโ€™m only able to talk to babies and toddlers all day.

I think about all the negative things about the situation Iโ€™m in rather than the positive things. You need to stop your mind from going to that place.ย Try to practice positive thinking. Youโ€™re doing better than you think, trust me!

I know youโ€™re probably thinking this is easier said than done, but the more you practice positive thinking, itโ€™ll get easier.

3. Donโ€™t just stay inside

I know when you first become a stay-at-home mom, itโ€™s kind of nice just being a homebody and enjoying your babies cuddling on the couch feels so nice.

But before you know it, doing the same things everyday inside your house gets really old and it gets boring being in the same rooms all the time.

Try to get outside once a day or at least 3 times a week if you can.

Fresh air and sunlight is good for everyone!

There are also several free things to do in the community.

Get to know your neighbors. Meet and connect with other moms. Just make a plan to get out. It benefits you AND your children because they need change of scenery too!

Here is a list of free activities you can do outside your house!

4. Have daily routines

There is nothing like a good morning routine.

Wake up before the kids and take some time to exercise, read, pray, take a shower and get ready for the day.

This will start your day off with happiness and you are more likely to be productive the rest of the day.

If you have a newborn, this could be a little hard because you want to sleep as much as possible during this stage. Try to remember that itโ€™s only for a brief time. Give yourself at least 3 months to get into a routine and get your baby sleeping better.

Ending your day on a good note makes it a great day also!

Take some time for yourself after your kids go to sleep. Prepare for the next day, pray,ย write in your journal or get your exercise in if you didnโ€™t have a chance in the morning. Take some โ€œme timeโ€ for yourself with a bath or curl up with a book.

Click here to grab my FREE Daily Planner and Cleaning Checklist to help you start adding routines into your day!

free daily planner and cleaning checklist printables

5. Change out of your sweats

This is a big one for me.

A goal you can set is that you need to get dressed for the day at least 3 days during the week.

This means you shower, do something to your hair, put on a little blush and mascara and get out of those pajamas!

You will feel so much better and confident when you actually get ready and presentable.

You donโ€™t have to do it every day, but try to stick to that goal of getting out of your pjโ€™s at least 3 days a week. You are more likely to go out and be more productive.

6. Donโ€™t sweat the small stuff

Learn to let go of the small things.

Your house doesnโ€™t have to be perfectly clean every day.

Stop trying to be the โ€œperfectโ€ mom all the time.

Itโ€™s ok to have off days and itโ€™s ok that you fed your kids mac and cheese for dinner 3 times in a week. Itโ€™s also okay if you get off your schedule or your toddler misses a nap.

Donโ€™t sweat the small stuff.ย Youโ€™re doing great mama!

7. Find a hobby

Being a mom is a full-time job. It is easy to get so wrapped up in your children and their needs that you forget to fill your own cup with the things YOU enjoy to do.

Before you became a mom, you probably had a couple hobbies that you enjoyed. Do you still do them?

If youโ€™re not, then you need to start making time to pick one of them back up or you should find a new hobby.

Here is a list of hobby ideas if you donโ€™t already have one!

8. Take care of yourself

This really should have been number one on the list because of how important it is. Moms are always meeting the needs of their families but donโ€™t always do the best job with their own self-care.

I know that I feel better as a mom and just a person in general if I take care of myself. Here are a few simple things that you can do.

You need to be functioning at your best so you can chase after those little ones! To function at your best, make sure you are fueling your body correctly and getting plenty of sleep at night.

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